

We cordially welcome you to the website of the Institute of East Asian Bronze Culture.

Dedicated to the culture of China, with its history spanning four millennia, our institute is privileged to possess a collection of over 5,000 bronzes produced by the equestrian tribes of northern China. Comprising such artefacts as ancient Buddha images, weapons, horse harnesses, mirrors, trinkets, and domestic utensils, these bronzes represent a magnificent cultural accomplishment that originated around 2000 B.C. and continued through the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties until recent times.

The collection includes items that have been exhibited at the Tokyo National Museum and the Kuboso Memorial Museum of Art, and some of the items are featured in the World Art Compendium.

Here we would like to introduce you to a number of outstanding works of art from the collection.The institute has been established with the intention that the many objects in its possession, which have been amassed over the years, especially those objects related to the equestrian tribes, be loaned to museums around the world for exhibition and to scholars of ancient East Asian bronzes for research. We eagerly look forward to hearing from those with a professional or academic interest in the collection.


